Beginning and Designing an Abstract

By October 14, 2012Uncategorized

Painting Abstractly

In our Wednesday class, we have begun a designed approach to abstraction.  Based on sound principals of design, and on a method taught by renowned artist John Salminen, we are beginning a journey into abstract painting.

How do you paint when there’s nothing to paint?
If there is no “subject”, how on earth do you decide what to do?

If you enjoy non-objective art or if you are simply looking to broaden your artistic experience, studying abstract art can be mind opening.  I would also predict it would make you a better designer of your objective work if you took the time to paint non-objectively.  Good design is the foundation of good paintings, whether or not we have a realistic subject to paint.

Tuesday Oct 16, 2012 We will begin an abstract painting that will take us a few weeks to complete.  If you’d to learn more about designing abstractly, come to class 12:30-3PM.  There is still room and I predict you’d enjoy it!  Contact me and I’ll save you a seat, or just come to class on Wed. 5001 N Kings Hwy, Art and Soul Art Center and Cafe’ in Myrtle Beach, SC

Author Rebecca Zdybel

Artist, Instructor, Art-Travel Instructor - Spread Light, Share Love, DO Art! Rebecca Z Artist (Rebecca Zdybel) is an artist and instructor in Myrtle Beach, SC. She blogs and teaches locally and internationally. Sign up for her blog, classes, workshops, art travel tours, or see her work at

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