Loggerhead Fever- The Poetry Bug Strikes again!

By September 29, 2013Uncategorized

A loggerhead turtle nesting at night

The tracks left behind by a nesting loggerhead- a sign of where the nest can be found

Living in beautiful South Carolina on the shores of the Atlantic, loggerhead turtles nest here in the summer and fall on our beach.  It’s a quiet and natural beachfront, unlike so much of the Grand Strand.  Those turtles and their nests are associated with some of my most magical moments over the years.  Last year, it was my privilege to witness the emergence of a few baby stragglers out of a nest which had partially hatched the previous day.  They came out late in the evening one night.  The full moon and I were the only witnesses to their birth.  The experience is one I’ll never forget.  

A baby loggerhead makes its way to the sea

22 years ago, I also had an amazing experience with the loggerheads.  My little children were in various stages of undress after a long day at the beach.  Rather than deal with sagging diapers, I let the youngest two just run around naked.  While there, during the twilight hours, a nest began to emerge.  We were able to escort the hatchlings to the water.  It was fantastic!  Watching my naked babies escort the baby turtles to the ocean is something I’ll remember forever with nostalgia.  

As it happens, I was reminiscing yesterday about those memories, and felt inspired to write the beginning of a poem based on my ideas about loggerheads, their birth, and their relationship with the moon.  This is getting to be a new habit!  Having been bitten in Greece,  I lost yet another day to the poetry bug (yes, it seems to be contagious, especially among artists! )  I took the day off to relax and lost the afternoon developing an idea into a poem.  It was a great way to while away the day!

I don’t know that it’s finished, but I thought others might enjoy the spirit of the piece even in its rough form.  I’ve painted turtles in the past, but hope to let this poem inspire a painting or perhaps even a series of paintings!  I hope you enjoy it.  

Turtle Dreams- Abstract Mixed Media

Mother Moon 

and the Loggerheads  Poem by Rebecca Zdybel
Mother moon she shines her light,
Her kingdom is the sea.
She rules in silent majesty. 
The queen of night is she.
Her sister sun she steals the show, 
With heat and colors bright.
Her children; plants and all of life 
Who count on day for light.
The moon, no colors and no voice, 
Is left to rule the sea.
The waves, her arms,
Reach toward the shore, 
Her song their melody.
A mothers heart she does posses, 
But children she has few.
For nature often chooses day 
When life seeks to renew. 
The loggerhead is special then… 
Among the favored few, 
Who look to Moon as Mother, 
And their birth she oft will view.
When nest is lain 
On dunes piled high, 
The loggerheads will leave.
Trusting Mother Moon 
To guide their babies to the sea.
Her sister sun will watch the brood 
When night becomes the day.
She’ll  splash upon the peaceful scene 
With colorful array.
Almost home…!

All day she’ll shine and try to claim

These children as her own.
But mother moon, 
Does soon return, 
And wait for them, alone.
Vigil she keeps nightly 
O’er her sandy nursery.
Returning every evening,
Time of birth a mystery.
As nights do pass without event,
She’ll often shed a tear,
And mourn the prospect of 
Another day without them near.
On those morns, she leaves forlorn,
As night becomes the day.
Her sister sun allowed once more
The chance to have her way.
Mother Moon does come again
Whene’er she has the chance.
Waiting, watching, shining,
On the waves her light will dance.
And so it was that moonlit night,
So very long ago.
Their little noses poking through the sand
As if ‘twas snow.
Her lamp lit bright and beckoning.
She called them from below,
The blanket where they long had slept,
Warm and safe to grow.
Their hopes raised high, their path well lit,
They crawl over the shore.
Their fins imprinting on the sand  
A trail to come once more.
The water sings her lullaby.
Her arms, as waves do reach.
She woos them forth, 
With mother’s love, 
 As they cross o’er the beach.

That song rings on when e’er we hear
The waves upon the shore.
A song of love’s unending hope.
A song none can ignore.
Schedule an Arty Party and paint this turtle with me!


I hope you enjoyed my little poem.  I’m not sure about the title (it almost seems like it would be a great name for a rock band, lol!

 A Happy side-note- Since having originally posted this poem, I’ve been asked to read it for the local gathering of Turtle Volunteers later this month.  They are the stalwart folks who patrol the beaches daily and help to protect and preserve the nests and the turtle hatchlings.
They have some other surprise plans I can’t reveal at this point, but I’ll be sure to write about THAT experience later this month!  So exciting!!
If you’re interested in knowing more about Loggerhead turtle activity on the beaches here in SC, or want to get involved in their protection follow this link
S.C.U.T.E.- SC United Turtle Enthusiasts Facebook page

Rebecca Zdybel
Artist, Instructor, Art-Travel Instructor
Art Lessons in all media Myrtle Beach, SC

Spread Light, Share Love, DO Art!

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Rebecca Zdybel is an artist, instructor, and writer in Myrtle Beach, SC.  Follow her and see her work at https://rebeccazartist.com/
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Author Rebecca Zdybel

Artist, Instructor, Art-Travel Instructor - Spread Light, Share Love, DO Art! Rebecca Z Artist (Rebecca Zdybel) is an artist and instructor in Myrtle Beach, SC. She blogs and teaches locally and internationally. Sign up for her blog, classes, workshops, art travel tours, or see her work at RebeccaZArtist.com.

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