As my art adventure continues, I set my GPS (crossing my fingers) and headed for Chartres. My eventual goal for the day was the Loire Valley, (which is about 3 hrs from Giverny). Along the way, I stopped in Chartres to take a look at the famous cathedral there. First off, let me say that I am not the biggest church fan. I’ve seen a lot of churches in my time, and they often feel empty and generally leave me a bit cold. I don’t want to come across as jaded, though I probably am. I’m just being honest about how they usually make me feel. I tell you this, because the cathedral at Chartres is different…its special. Definitely worth the time to go there.
Your first impression begins about 5 miles away. You can see it because the landscape all around is flat. It’s farmland. Flat fields of acreage planted all around, and as you come closer there it is. A huge spire in the distance. Built in the 1200’s (almost 900 ago!), it was the tallest in the world at the time. What’s so crazy, is that its sitting in the middle of farm country. It’s as if someone decided to plant the Empire State Building in a cornfield in Kansas. Not really, but you get my meaning. It’s impressive partly because it’s so unexpected.
When you make your way inside the cathedral you realize you’re not in Kansas anymore. Inside it is mystical. Perhaps because there is no unfiltered light to be found. Every bit of light inside is filtered through stained glass. 176 huge and gorgeous stained glass windows form the largest intact collection of medieval stained glass in the world. That means this centuries old glass was in these windows even before my country of origin was ever conceived.
As I looked around and walked through the church, the spiritual sense of the place is alive and well. That sense of spirituality is rare in cathedrals that are famous tourist attractions. There was even a priest available for sacramental reconciliation all day. I have never seen that before. I found it impressive. For those of you who are non-catholic, this is a catholic ritual means of reconciling with God. You tell your sins to another person who is sworn to secrecy and acting as God’s agent of absolution. It’s powerful and not something that you see being made so readily available. Maybe that’s why the sacred atmosphere felt that much more authentic.
As I moved around the huge space I began to try to take in all the art. The windows, the sculpture, the moldings, the tilework, the the architecture…everything… everywhere I looked was art! At Chartres, art seems to comprise the core theme of the sacred and the beautiful. Art was the expression of heartfelt human faith. That concept hit me hard. Everywhere I looked, I was looking at what probably constituted the lifework of hundreds if not thousands of artists. For hundreds of years every craftsman who worked on projects for that cathedral probably took their kids and grandkids there and said,”Look, this is what I created. This is how I contributed to the beauty of this place” There it was, and there it is, centuries later for us to enjoy.Yet another reason I love being an artist. Right there in a nutshell…because art enriches life for those who make it and those who experience it. Art is a reflection of heart and soul, passion and spirit. It just makes life better…for everyone. I’m so glad I stopped here and got to appreciate that fact once again. I wish I could go back in time and tell those artists of old how much their work meant to me. I can’t tell them, but I can tell you. I hope you can get to see it someday. If not, then I hope you enjoy the photographs.
Love following you around Europe and living vicariously! Thanks for sharing!
I imagine you’ve been to some of the places I’m visiting. It’s great to hear that you’re traveling along with me! Thanks for checking in ❤️
Loving your viewpoint.. wondering if you are traveling alone??? I have done that some but when I think back on those times.. triggered by your journey… the first things that come up are the scary moments!!
I was at Chartres with Tom.. and maybe Kathi? and remember well the sort of elderly man (elderly to me at that time, probably not so elderly to me now…) who was our guide. That was my first exposure to the ‘Marian churches” and Marian theology. That was a surprise to me but I have had several more exposures since and it is interesting. A French friend actually did a walking pilgrimage to Chartres (from Normandy) as a teenager. One of my online Abbey cohorts leads women’s retreats there but she is a bit off of my grid… I have had two women, one in New Zealand and one in Italy, tell me that they pray to Mary for a good parking place and always get one ! Of course we all always get a parking place but it is an interesting perspective.
You are storing up for many winter mornings. Thanks so much for posting.
Hi Pat, yes I am flying or rather driving solo for the next few weeks. It’s a challenge at times and a blessing at others. thankfully I have the Internet and good communications with family and folks like you who take the time to keep me company. Notes like yours keep me from feeling lonely. The Marian philosophy is very catholic and very prevalent worldwide. As a woman I welcome the divine feminine component she adds to the faith, though I would not describe her as the object of my worship. I see her as a fellow intercessor who can and does pray for us. In biblical times the mother of the king was the most powerful female in the kingdom…since he may have a bunch of wives. He only had one momma and she had his ear in a way nobody else did. As I look at the Marian tradition, I see her elevation from that perspective. Some take it much further than that, and in many ways it’s very influenced by culture. I’m no religious or theological expert, but that’s my take…
It is so beautiful. I would love to see it. The pictures are wonderful. So enjoyed your adventure yesterday with the GPS.
Haha I enjoy my GPS stories too (when they are over and end happily) I was laughing out loud today as I drove down back roads in the Pyrenees to get around a traffic backup. I did what the machine told me and tried to remain calm. Another happy ending, so I cant complain ?
Glad you are having such a fun and interesting trip. We are GPSing through the UK for the next week. May the satelites help us all get home safely. Martha
Amen! Have fun exploring and I hope your weather cooperates. Ours was iffy at best in the north of Ireland. Can’t wait to compare notes. <3
I’ve been there Rebecca and felt the same way you did – awe inspiring. Have fun on your journey.
Brenda, I’m not surprised you felt it too. Birds of a feather….?
I absolutely love those stained glass windows!
Me TOO!!! Magical light in that space because of them. <3