Happy Holidays! I have a new video I’d like to share with you today as a little holiday gift, but before I do, I want to encourage you to take time for yourself during this busy season. Are you finding time to paint and be creative in the midst of the madness? I hope so. It won’t happen unless you make it happen, and it’s not easy. In fact it’s tough when so many holiday demands are being made on your time. I know all about that.
Today is for the birds! This painting evolved like you see in the short slideshow below, but I decided to do a more in depth video and include a link for you to view. This is the painting from drawing to completion, and it’s about a 5 second slide show with some sound, so don’t be surprised when you click on the little play arrow 😉
We’ve been painting a few chickens in class recently, and exploring how to create beautiful neutralized color in the process. Those neutral colors make the bright red comb on this rooster just pop! It’s color and it’s shape are so wild! If you’d like to see how to paint it, the link at the end of this blog will take you to a 7 minute video that shows you how.
The back story behind the video might be fun for you to hear. When it comes to making videos, I’m a novice. I wish I had a video of how I shot the video. It would make for a great gag reel. With technology, it always seems as if it should be easy, and somehow it always ends up being hard! Can you relate?
It was quite the ghetto set-up I rigged in order to film myself. I had a tall tripod perched on two tables shooting from over my head with me sitting underneath the whole darn contraption. (Praying the whole time that it wouldn’t fall on me!) You’d have laughed to see me climb up on the table in order to reach the camera’s buttons. Even then, I didn’t frame the shot exactly as I’d like. Ahhh, well…”Perfection is highly overrated!” I’m owning that bit of advice to self today!
The link to the video is below. It’s available on my website if you are too busy with the holidays to watch it now. You can watch this one and even more videos my website’s “Instructional Videos Page”. I also have a YouTube channel that you can subscribe to under “Rebecca Zdybel”. If you subscribe, you’ll get a notification whenever I put up a new video. I’m hoping to do more of them in the future. I actually enjoyed the editing process. Once I figured it out, it felt very creative. That’s always a buzz for me.
Just click this link for the 7 minute video on how to paint this crazy rooster comb=-) Resources/Rebecca’s Instructional Videos
Let me know if you enjoy the video. What other lessons would you like to have me film? I’d be very interested to know. Leave your ideas in the comments below, and I’ll keep them in mind for future videos.
My Holiday this Season is that we can each make time to Share Love, Spread Light, Do ART, and Give Back.
Lots of Love,
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