Learn Watercolor Basics Making Holiday Cards
Coastal Carolina University’s OLLI Program- Tuesday Dec 2 and 9 12:30-2:30 and 3-5 PM
79th Ave N Campus, Myrtle Beach, SC- Sign up online here
You can come to make holiday cards during my
Regular Art classes on Wed’s 1-4 and Saturdays 1-4 (check the calendar here online for my schedule)
Contact me to reserve your seat- email contact through this website or text/call me at 843-450-2307
- table protector: plastic table cloth or crafting surface (plastic sheeting will work too)
- watercolor brushes, round, rigger, 1⁄2 flat
- palette knife or ( old credit cards and hotel keys work really well for scraping
purposes too) - Paper: blank watercolor cards or watercolor paper which you can tear and turn into
stock card sizes or affix to a card front. - glitter
- paper plate
- glue
- paper towels
- water container
- fine grained salt ( small container or baggie with a few tablespoons will be plenty)
- red and white acrylic paint (other colors if you’d like to bring them)
- Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (other brands ok)
- Black Elegant writer calligraphy marker (available at craft stores) or here http://www.amazon.com/Speedball-Elegant-Writer-Calligraphy-Marker/dp/B000BYT29K/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1417454175&sr=8-4&keywords=elegant+writer+pen
- Fine point Permanent black marker note: (Micron pens or staedtler pens ok…avoid sharpies)
- • Crayons/ oil pastels
• Razor blade or box cutter
• Red/ White acrylic paint in a squeeze applicator bottle (i will have some bottles for
sale for $2)Other items which might be helpful to use:- Stencils with patterns (I like snowflakes and small abstract patterns for this purpose) http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=6+x+6+stencils&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3A6+x+6+stencils
- Cheap Joe’s Really Good Gesso-white ( I will have some available for $2), order
here http://www.cheapjoes.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=really+good+gesso - transparency sheets (or any stiff plastic which can be used to create your own
stencils- I will have some available for .75/sheet)
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