Worried about losing your marbles with age? Feeling like you have menopausal memory loss or chemo brain? Want to sustain or even gain mental functioning as you age? Art class may be the answer…and sooner may be better than later.
The study at the end of this blog simply proves what I’ve always found to be true. There is something especially vibrant about folks who are using their golden years creatively. It seems that the people I run into who are taking classes and actively creating art are anything but dull. In fact, they consistently give me hope for what my future might look like.
I have so many art heroes…the majority of them are over 65. A significant number of them are over 75, and even 80. A great example is Gerald Brommer. I have been privileged to study with him a few times, and I want to be just like him when I grow up! In his mid-80’s, he is actively painting and teaching. He usually looks at what he does, and gleefully exclaims, “ooooooh” when something he likes begins to take place in his painting. This happens a lot! The sound of his exclamations rumble up from deep within him. It reminds me of ujjayi breath in yoga. If you’ve ever studied with Gerald, you know that receiving one of his “ooooohs” is the highest compliment. =)
Mary Todd Beam is another old soul that beams brilliantly despite her age. These days, she may need an arm to lean on as she is walking around, but her mind and her spirit are fired up with creative energy that remains contagious.
The instructors are not the only inspiring characters in art class. Fellow students are often “of an age” that might be considered their golden years. They are using those years to acquire new skills and continue to grow. THAT’S how I want my midlife to look!
Perhaps my experience is not unique. The article I share below is very interesting and seems to correlate art classes with improved mental functioning in older people. It also seems to show that beginning earlier in life is better than waiting. This is a quote from the article that sums it up for me:
Art Class Fun!“For prevention of cognitive decline in old age, I would agree that people need to determine which cognitively stimulating activities they can maintain, and engage in these activities as early in life as possible, and not wait till they are older,” Roberts said. “People who are older can still gain benefit from these activities but the earlier people start and continue through late life, the stronger the benefits they are likely to reap from these activities.”
How great is that?! Art class can be good for us! One more reason to get up and get yourself to art class sooner rather than later. It’s fun, it’s healthy and can keep you mentally sharp as you age. What’s more, you can make friends, and have something to show for your time and trouble. Don’t believe me?…read the complete article below:
2 Ways to Increase Your cognitive function according to the above article:
- Go to Art Class and continue to learn, grow, socialize and create
- Go Sooner rather than later to maximize the benefits
Want to get plugged into art classes? Join me for classes Today!
Or Sign up TODAY to come with me on my EAT PAINT COOK TOUR of Tuscany. We’ll have fun combining travel in beautiful Tuscany with 2 of my favorite things: Eating and Art! I make it easy and fun, and Tuscany makes it beautiful and delicious 😉
Here is a link to all info: Eat Paint Cook Tour of Tuscany Brochure
If studying with me now doesn’t work, subscribe to this blog and my newzletter. I’ll keep you posted as new classes and events come along. We are always doing something fun. This fall I’m hosting a weeklong watercolor workshop with Rose Edin AWS, NWS, TWSA. It’s called Making Color Sing- Nov 5-10, 2017. I’ll also be returning to Italy in 2017 and Ireland in May 2018!
In Feb. 2018, I’m hosting another great workshop in beautiful Myrtle Beach, SC with Fabio Cembranelli. The workshop is already half full, and it’s a year away. I expect this one to sell out. See the brochures on my website’s Classes and Events page for more information. Then do yourself a favor and join us! It may help you in your quest to stay mentally sharp, and it’s fun…
Remember, the sooner the better, so what are you waiting for??????
Rebecca Z
[…] Besides all that, it’s never too late. Many of the best artists I know are well into their 70’s and 80’s. They are vital and still enjoying every minute they get to paint. I want that for myself. Getting old, does not seem to be a hindrance if you are an artist…how many things can you say that about? Research proves that cognitive functioning is improved by participants in art class! https://rebeccazartist.com/2015/07/2-proven-ways-to-increase-your/ […]